Hobby Detecting Blog Metal detecting news, metal detectors reviews and tips, how to guides


An Ordinary Day Of WW2 Detecting (Diggers Story, Photos+)

Have you ever dreamed about digging WW2, but have never had the opportunity to do so? Well I have, and my dream became reality. I live in a place where there never were any battles or much of action, so I do not have the opportunity to dig much WW2 relics where I live, but I have always been wanting to do so. And one day, one of my friends...

Metal Detector Fisher F44 and CORS Detonation coil depth test! (Video+) 0

Metal Detector Fisher F44 and CORS Detonation coil depth test! (Video+)

Are you wondering how to improve detection depth on your simple Fisher F44 metal detector? That’s easy – and trust me, you will get more finds with it, because it is a lot of relic waiting to be detected located on a depth more than 15 cm. Why 15 cm? It is average efficient depth for the almost every cheap and semi professional metal detector! Answer is simple – just...

Teknetics Direct 4th of July Promotion 2017! 0

Teknetics Direct 4th of July Promotion 2017!

Hello guys! Got a good news about Teknetics Ameritek Offer. Teknetics Metal Detectors have a good offer if you need to update of simply get your first metal detector! They are having a huge sale from June 26th until July 11th 2017 at http://www.tekneticsdirect.com. All you need is to use my code A1479 during checkout at to receive the following with an Ameritek purchase. $50 off MSRP FREE rain cover FREE coil...


How To Properly Clean And Protect Coins And Other Finds (Instructions, Result, Photos+)

Most of the coins, relics, and other things we find with our detectors are often in a very poor state of preservation. Sometimes it even is impossible to for example identify coins and the year of issue. The degree of preservation of the find often depends on the conditions in which it was found. For example, coins and buttons found in the sand, as rule, are well-preserved, and items found...


Digging The Forest With The Fisher F44 (Diggers Story, Photos+)

I rarely make full reports about detecting, because I often tell about an interesting find. But today it will be a report about what I liked with my result. On a day off, four of us left in the morning to one promising forest. That area was interesting because there they have found a lot of different objects of the Cossack times. The forest I was planning to detect in,...


Wehrmacht WW2 Belt Buckles (Description, Variants, Identifying Finds +)

I will continue the subject of the “identifying finds from the Wehrmacht”. In the previous part we wrote about the mess kits of the Wehrmacht during the Second World War, about what types there was and how to determine them here: Wehrmacht Kochgeschirr. If you have not seen or read that article yet- I recommend it. Now I would like to tell more about the belt buckle of the Wehrmacht, and...


Russian Square Coins Of Catherine I (Identifying Finds +)

Maybe you thought that the coins were always round? No, there are coins from different countries of all sorts and different shapes. Take, for example, the clip coins of the Swedish Empire – large squares and rectangles of copper, which can sometimes be found with a metal detector, but something that far from everybody knew: there were also Russian square coins! It turns out that in the Russian Empire, square...


German Wehrmacht Mess Kits “Kochgeschirr” (Identifying Finds, Photos+)

A standard German mess kit, or “Kochgeschirr” as the Germans call it, consisted of two halves; the bottom or the “mess kit”, closed with a lid on top, which could be used as a pan. They were originally made of aluminium. The height of the Kochgeschirr is approximately 14 cm and it can hold about 1.7 liters. It is shaped kind of like a kidney when viewed from above. The...


How deep does the Fisher F44 detect? (Test, Video+)

Hello friends! You know the difference between a budget and an expensive metal detector? That’s right, an experienced digger knows – the price! And what about the depth? Most detectorists chase after the depth, and only experienced people go after new places to detect. The depth is not so important when you are looking for example two hours in a row, not everyone wants to be digging trenches, but why?...


Teknetics T2 Review and First Impressions (Info, Thoughts, Photos +)

Before I start off this review, I want to shortly have the attention of my Norwegian readers:   Før jeg starter denne anmeldelsen av Teknetics T2 metalldetektor, vil jeg bare kort henvende meg til mine norske lesere. T2 er en ganske undervurdert metalldetektor på det norske markedet. Den er en bestselger over alt, bortsett fra i Norge ettersom den først nylig ble introdusert til det norske markedet. T2 er forløperen til Fisher F75...