Tagged: Finds


Finding Horse Decorations! (Identifying Finds, Photos +)

“Buttons from Gulliver’s pants” – this is the name that unexperienced detectorists sometimes call these finds, but of course they are wrong. Before you on this picture you can see a brass decoration buckle from a horse harness, or as we diggers like to call them, “horse buckles”. Such decorations were an invariable attribute from every farmer in the distant and not very distant past, and these days it is a...


Finding Roman Silver With The Fisher F44! (Find, Photos+)

There is a field near my city, on which many ceramic parts from the Chernyakhov culture (2 -5 c. AD) can be found for many centuries. This ancient settlement wass from the times of the Roman Empire, and it was huge (several square kilometers), so it’s not at all surprising that there are different kinds of stories about this place among diggers, I even know some of them. Story number 1....


Excavation Of An Ilyushin DB-3 Bomber Aircraft Near Vyborg (Finds, Photos+)

WW2 excavations my friends, are not just shells and helmets, but also military aircrafts, vehicles and so on (with great success and desire of course). Every year there is less and less of it, but there are still many places where you can find different fragments, especially when it comes to airplanes. During WW2, every day there fell several dozen aircrafts in different parts of the huge Soviet-German front. And...


An Ordinary Day Of WW2 Detecting (Diggers Story, Photos+)

Have you ever dreamed about digging WW2, but have never had the opportunity to do so? Well I have, and my dream became reality. I live in a place where there never were any battles or much of action, so I do not have the opportunity to dig much WW2 relics where I live, but I have always been wanting to do so. And one day, one of my friends...


Digging The Forest With The Fisher F44 (Diggers Story, Photos+)

I rarely make full reports about detecting, because I often tell about an interesting find. But today it will be a report about what I liked with my result. On a day off, four of us left in the morning to one promising forest. That area was interesting because there they have found a lot of different objects of the Cossack times. The forest I was planning to detect in,...


Russian Square Coins Of Catherine I (Identifying Finds +)

Maybe you thought that the coins were always round? No, there are coins from different countries of all sorts and different shapes. Take, for example, the clip coins of the Swedish Empire – large squares and rectangles of copper, which can sometimes be found with a metal detector, but something that far from everybody knew: there were also Russian square coins! It turns out that in the Russian Empire, square...


Rare Crucifixes From The 14-16 Centuries (Identifying Finds +)

When digging for relics, the finds are not only coins, but also different relics and personal items, like buttons and crucifixes worn around the neck. It seems that people used to love to fight, have a good party, or simply maybe the rope just broke and the crucifix fell off. In any case, good finds in form of rare crosses can be found: Initially, we see crosses with the image of the Savior...


Digging In Germany With The Ace 150! (Amazing Finds, Coins, War Relics, Photos+)

I was recently on a trip to Germany, and long story short, I didn’t bring my Fisher F75. But fortunately, my friend had a detector. It wasn’t quite the F75, it was an ACE 150 with the standard coil. “At least it is better than nothing”, I thought. And I was certainly right. So, after arriving to Germany, me and my friend Marco Schmitt, who I was visiting, went out...


Finding A Treasure Of Silver Coins With A Cheap Metal Detector? Easy! (Hoard, Photos+)

It would seem that many people think that to find a treasure you would need to get a good metal detector. And “good” usually means “expensive”. But no, you dint need an expensive detector for this, a huge treasure was recently found with a low-cost entry-level metal detector! One guy in Ukraine went detecting with his Teknetics Eurotek PRO and Nel Hunter coil- seemingly not with an XP Deus un his hands, and stumbled...