Hobby Detecting Blog Metal detecting news, metal detectors reviews and tips, how to guides

Makro Racer 2 tutorial metal detector beginner guide how to use 0

Makro Racer 2 metal detector – how to start (a beginners guide)

If you have bought your new metal detector Makro Racer 2 I recommend you to check that video – how to start detecting with Racer 2 and set it up correct. In most of the cases everything shown in video will help you to get more finds and understand is it trash or fine coin under the coil. Happy Hunting! I collect everything about Makro Racer 2 here. More data...

Fisher F44 metal detector what is in kit box accessories 0

Metal Detector Fisher F44 – what is in box? (+photo review of kit)

When FisherLab released it’s new detectors line for beginners (F11, F22 and F44) I thought that it must be a good competitor for Garrett ACE series of metal detectors. For many years Garrett ACE detectors were the bestsellers for beginners and a lot of manufacturers tried to compete, but noone has a success at all. I saw in Fisher F44 a real competitor of Garrett ACE 350 (EuroACE) – and...

Garrett Euro ACE metal detector review buy how to use 1

Classic is still alive – Garrett Euro ACE (announcement)

Just a couple of days ago I’ve made an advertisement about sale of my Garrett AT PRO, semi professional metal detector. I wanted to change it for Garrett ACE 400i to write new posts about it only to understand is it a good detector or not. So I’ve offered a pretty expensive price, because I knew that some person who are looking for Garrett AT PRO anyway will write me...


Diggin’ WW2 Battlefield: Courland Pocket (photos+)

Hi there! So far I decided to show You some photos made this year in Courland Pocket by my Latvian colleagues. Enjoy! Rusty German helmet found in forest under fallen tree. Helmet liner still there. Four Panzerfaust 60 firing tubes were found in a mess around former battlefield. On the other side of the tube was visible part of warning: “Vorsicht! Rohr ist immer mit Pulver geladen auch wenn Geschoss...

Fisher F22 metal detector video review 0

Fisher F22 Metal detector – short video review

FisherLab released in 2015 3 new metal detectors for beginners – F11, F22 and F44. Why not F33? Don’t know, probably that name is booked for any other detector for future release, will see in next seasons! F22 is one of the most interesting models of FisherLab detectors released in last 2 years. Why so? Because it’s cheap, for it’s price (about $250) it’s powerful and show a good results,...

Coin hunting with Nokta Fors Relic metal detector 0

Digging and coin hunting with Nokta Fors Relic (+videos)

Some weeks ago I got a new Nokta Fors Relic metal detector. Manufacturer and price range classify it like semi-professional metal detector and it is true, making some tests we realized, that Nokta Fors Relic is powerful tool for metal detecting. I got a video for you, it filmed by one guy from UK: I prefer to check a real tests, not like specially filmed by unknown guys – sometimes...

Fisher F2 discontinued RIP 0

R.I.P. Fisher F2 (officially confirmed)

Today I’ve got a confirmation, that Fisher F2 is not in production anymore. Manufacturers and retailers call it “discontinued”, but for us, for diggers, coin and relic hunters and hobby detectorists that means than coming soon we will see Fisher F2 only in museums. Last parties will be sold out and another legend will stay in memories. Was it good detector? Must be, if it has found a space on...

Makro Racer 2 review from UK 2

An insight into the Makro Racer 2 (our follower’s review+)

Got here a good guy review about new Makro Racer 2 metal detector. It’s a Stephen Grey and he has own channel on Youtube, you can check his videos here. Let’s unite all of the hobby detectorists of the world! I will quote the full text of his review. I’ve been using the Makro Racer 2 now every day almost since its release . Up to now it’s found me...

Makro Racer 2 RC40 search coil test 0

Makro Racer RC40 coil depth test

I’m gonna be honest with you – I love big coils. It is true, when you are walking with your metal detector on a field and you have miles to walk – how do you think what can help you a lot? Personal slave? Probably, but in the most cases it will be only big coil. Doing one move you are covering a bigger area, than you do it with...