Category: Finds


German WW2 “Essbesteck” (Identifying finds)

The dream of every novice detectorist who looks for ww2 relics is to find a German folding “fork & spoon”. This item is, as the name says, a fork and a spoon, riveted together. It is quite compact, and therefore good for carrying in your pocket. It is very comfortable to use. I often use it myself when out on a trip. The Germans produced them in three metals –...


Six Groschen Stephen Báthory (Expensive Find, Photos+)

Coins that you find will often be more or less worthless. For archaeologists, of course, any coins, especially old ones are important to the history of the places. For diggers, collectors and everyone else, rare and valuable coins are important. The price of really rare coins can only be determined at an auction. Obviously; the rarer the coin is- the more worth it has! In addition, other things can affect...


Finding a Silver Rouble from 1765! (Photos +)

Many detectorists will say that all the good coins are gone, dug out of the field. This is partly true; the number of finds are reduced every year. But even in an over-detected field I believe deep in my heart that each ploughing of a field will bring new coins. But one story struck me this year. It was about a detectorist who found a huge silver coin from 1765!...


“Aureus” Gold Coin Sold For $15,835! (+ Photos)

Another insanely expensive coin left recently at auction for 15,835 dollars. On the gold coin you can see the profile of one of the emperors of the eastern part of the Roman Empire – Titus Fulvius Iunius Quietius who ruled in the years 260-261. When the Roman Emperor Valerian I was captured by the Sassanid king Shapur I of the Eastern Roman Empire, he suffered a crushing defeat. Shapur invaded...


Finding a military cross from 1812! (Diggers story, Photos+)

This story was sent to us by a lucku digger It was a warm, sunny morning in July. I like a man, then a student at the university, was on vacation and decided to go on a bike to dig a field, which previously bore fruit. The very first time I detected there I found 2 silver coins. The ride was about 20 km in one direction. On my way...


A pot full of silver! (Amazing Find)

Despite the winter, some dedicated people are still out there detecting and finding amazing treasures:) Here is another nice find – A ceramic pot filled with medial silver coins! Interestingly, it did not take long for this find to appear on the market. The find is sold at an auction just as it is shown in the photo, complete with all the bits of the pot and the 317 silver...


Unusual old badge found (+ Photos)

I present to you an object that even experts had trouble identifying. A round copper disc that looks much like a coin, except that the pattern is present only on one side of it. Photo of the find after cleaning: And what is this really? Well, it is a token from the Dutch city of Groningen with the value of of three pennies. On the token we can see a two-headed eagle with...


How I found a Roman Legion Stamp! (Diggers story – without a metal detector!)

The idea of this trip came completely random, on a warm summer evening in one of Amsterdam’s parks. My friend and I were sitting on a bench and drinking wine, thinking about how to spend the weekend. The wine was German, and that led us to the idea, why not go to Germany and dig for some antiquities? We decided not to go by train or bus, but with the...


Finding a Wallet! (Diggers Story, + Photos)

Prestory; It was in 2014. Autumn. It was raining all week and ended only to the weekend. We went looking for mushrooms. And with our luck we managed to get lost. Somehow we managed to find a sand road (paved military path through the woods). We had no maps, and the GPS did not show the forest roads. After four hours of driving, by some miracle, I arrived at a...

"Hallstatt" Bronze Sword Sold For $3560 (One more great find!) 0

“Hallstatt” Bronze Sword Sold For $3560 (One more great find!)

Here is a perfect example of a known type of bronze swords, the “Hallstatt”. This one was sold at an auction in January 2017 for $ 3560. It was found during detecting in a forest in the Khmelnitsky region, Ukraine. Similar bronze swords were popular throughout Europe in the 7-3 centuries BC, although relatively rarely to come across in a such condition. Hallstatt, an area in today Austria, where this sword is believed...