Hobby Detecting Blog Metal detecting news, metal detectors reviews and tips, how to guides

XP Deus depth test highly mineralized ground metal detector 0

XP Deus depth test on highly mineralized ground

It’s a lot of talks about XP Deus metal detector. The lightweight machine with incredible power and possibilities for detecting, but is it true? I don’t know, how much people so much of opinion you will find. Depth test on highly mineralized ground made by guy ziggyjinx – he has a Youtube channel with lots of tests. What is your opinion about this test? I guess that video gives us...


Woman got back lost £10 000 diamond ring

A British tourist was reunited with her precious diamond ring after she lost it in the Mediterranean Sea on holiday. The £10,000 family ring slipped off her finger while she was swimming in deep water. The platinum ring had been in her family for three generations until she lost it. When she came home she contacted a retired diver named George Edmunds. She agreed to pay for his ticket to fly him to Majorca to...


Amazing WW1 german helmets find in France (photos+)

Great news from France! Lot of German camo helmets (mostly M16 type) found in France. Really awesome find! Except helmets there were some gas masks, containers for gas masks and canteens. All refer to WW1 German army. Awesome condition for such items left in ground for more than 100 years! Take a look at these photos! Tell us about Your WW1 finds! More war relics finds here !


Makro Pointer pinpointer review

I cannot believe that at first i was going detecting without a pinpointer. I remember when i used like 5 minutes just to find a small coin. With a pinpointer i save a lot of that time. There are many different pinpointers out there with different features and price tags, and therefore it may be difficult to choose one. That is why i write this reveiw to maybe help some of...

Nokta Fors Relic airtest real test depth 0

Real Nokta Fors Relic depth test

At my opinion this is one of the best depth tests on different grounds made at home, lol. This guy knows how to check detectors. And this is not surprise for me, I see how one guy every time hits a good finds with Nokta Fors Relic. Everything related to Nokta Fors Relic I collect here. If you have a Nokta Fors Relic – Don’t forget to write a comment...

Bolshoy Tyuters island WW2 finds artillery wehrmacht relics german nazi world war two 12

Bolshoy Tyuters Abandoned Island – Full Of WW2 Wehrmacht Relics!

A lot of my friends always say things like: “there are no places left for metal detecting, soon we will only be detecting at some local parks and beaches!”. However, I am sure that, at least in Europe, we have plenty of places full of history, and we will need more than 500 years to search it all with metal detectors. We will even leave a lot of cool spots to...

New Patent by First Texas Products fresh brief of pulse induction technology new for metal detecting 0

New Patent by First Texas Products – a fresh brief of Pulse Induction technology?

Do you know, that there are only two technologies in metal detecting – “Pulse Induction” (PI) and “Very Low Frequency” (VLF). Also Minelab has it own FBS and FBS2, but I don’t know how it works and is it an independent technology or just an improvement of VLF? PI is good for high mineralized grounds and many underwater detectors are working on this technology, VLF is common for almost 80%...

Nel Tornado coil for Makro Racer 2 metal detector review 0

Nel Tornado coil on Makro Racer 2

I always wanted to check some additional coil on my metal detector, but had no chance yet. Got this review from our follower, Stephen Gray from UK: As you would expect the first thing I did when testing out the Nel Tornado coil was ground balanced it to see if it was as quick at this as the stock coil . It was very quick to balance , two seconds...

Fisher F44 metal detector how to set up what settings to use tips and advices 1

Fisher F44 – what settings to use and how to set up (tips and advices+)

Hey guys! As I promised some time ago – I got a couple of digging days and have tested a new Fisher F44 metal detector (click to check all specs). For those who do not follow me yet – I’ve posted about Fisher F44 package and what comes in a kit in these post, take a look to check what was inside of F44 box. Regarding my experience, I want...