Hobby Detecting Blog Metal detecting news, metal detectors reviews and tips, how to guides


Two WW2 U.S. Aircraft Carriers Found At Depths Of More Than 4000 Meters! (News, Photos+)

Underwater images show virtually undamaged aircraft, cannons, and tractors aboard the aircraft carriers that have been lying on the seabed since World War II. (Press on the images to see them in full screen plus description) Spectacular wreckage of the USS “Hornet”. The two 225 meters long aircraft carrier USS “Wasp” and USS “Hornet” were found in January, but only now is the news released that both have been discovered....


Fisher Impulse AQ – A New Pulse Metal Detector With Metal Discrimination! (2019 Novelty, First Photos!)

Yes, fellow detectorists, it has happened! Fisher Labs has announced its new product – the Fisher Impulse AQ metal detector! Fundamentally a new development and, it seems, a revolutionary device in the world of metal detectors. It was not possible to test much of the novelty, it was hidden at the Fisher Lab stand at IWA Outdoors 2019. The “fishers” do not like to give away too much information, but...


Luftwaffe Heinkel-111 Bomber Plane At The Bottom Of The Black Sea (WW2 Finds, Photos+)

There are a lot of different objects and finds left on the earth, and especially underwater, from the largest war in history. And the Black Sea is no exception. The Heinkel 111 bomber plane, the workhorse of the Luftwaffe. They went through the whole war – they bombed Warsaw and Gdansk in 1939, London in 1940, Kiev, Minsk in 1941, Moscow and Leningrad. They were often shot down and it...


Restoring German Helmets With Wax! (Diggers Tips, Photos+)

I recently acquired a very fine piece, an original German M42 Stahlhelm. Now this helmet was in a good condition with the original paint and everything, but I had one question: was there anything I could do to make it look better and add some value to it without destroying it in any way? And does it work for a “dug” German helmet? The answer is: yes! As some of...


The History Of Russian Steel Helmets from 1916-1945, By Ivan Karabanov (Diggers Library+)

Greetings, fellow diggers, and collectors! I continue my topic of “A diggers/collectors library”, in which I introduce you to all the books and works from my personal library, which can be useful for any digger or collector in order to expand the horizons and gain new knowledge. For all the WW2/war relics diggers, it will be interesting to know the history of the Russian steel helmet, because as it turned...


What Metal Detector To Buy In 2019?

Hello, friends! Here I have another very useful post for the upcoming new year – which metal detector should you choose and buy in this new year of 2019? A difficult topic, because there are many models and the choice is really huge and wide. Digging through forums, watching YouTube, reading different opinions and reviews of other detectorists is usually what you have to do, but I decided to make...


Detecting WW2 Location – Mysterious Dog-Tag Found! (Diggers Story, Photos+)

I and my friend recently sat around and had some spare time and decided, therefore, to go detecting. Although the weather forecast wasn’t very promising with lots of rain and the temperatures threatening to be below zero degrees, we still decided to defy the northern “winter” weather. The last couple of winters here up north have been very unpredictable; one day there can be half a meter of snow, and...


You Think That All The Fields Are Empty? But No – After Plowing, More Finds Appear! (Diggers story, Photos+)

Today’s detecting location will be a field. Until the mid-30s there was a rather large village on it. Over the past year, people have detected quite a lot on this field, but this year they sowed beets in this field, and therefore they plowed to the maximum depth and raised more finds to the surface. After the very first steps, a clear signal appeared, it turned out to be a button with an...


Finishing The Detecting Season of 2018 (Happy New Year!)

This morning I decided to take my final detecting trip of 2018, so I packed my bags and went outdoors. I didn’t start off the day quite early as I usually do; it was already quite bright outside. There was not much snow, but the cold outside has been standing still for a long time, more than three weeks. The guys who went detecting to the fields quite recently said...