Teknetics G2 + – Review of the detector, tuning tips, and how to look for, and find gold!

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9 Responses

  1. Kim Ballard says:

    No good here in the UK it rains a lot and they are not waterproof even with a cover water gets in behind the control knobs, I and my Son have one and we have just had to take them apart to empty the water out and dry them out with a hair dryer, I guess the only way is to zip tie a clear bag over the control box.
    We would not have purchased these detectors had we known that.

    • Detectorist says:

      Well, it is raining here too, but I find it a very good detector for coin shooting. Yep, raincovers are a must have for this, but it is normal – almost 95% of detectors aren’t water resistant.

  2. Brittany says:

    Does anyone know of the right detector to find my diamond engagement ring set in a thin gold band I lost at home?

  3. Fran Leavens says:

    Hello, my name is fran, I am trying to figure out which is for me!

    I have been very interested in the new Teknetics Patriot. I am told it actually the fisher f70!!
    Is this true? Also, if true is there a sniper coil that would work on it??
    Thank You

    • Detectorist says:

      Hello Fran! Yes for all to your questions. It is redesigned Fisher F70, with small changes (design, software), but all of the F70 and F75 coils would work on it.
      And if you are going to get it from TekDirect – don’t forget to check the Promo code for discount and free shipping: A1479

      Good luck to you!

  4. Krishna says:

    Hi sir this is Krishna from India I need this machine coil ( Tenknetics G2 coil ) I’m loss my machine coil
    ( It’s available) my contact number is

  5. Steve says:

    This detector is a lot of fun to use and is easy to set up and go. The VDI numbers are spot on. I have a Deus 2 but I enjoy using this just as much.

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