Hobby Detecting Blog Metal detecting news, metal detectors reviews and tips, how to guides

XP Deus metal detector 3

XP Deus – all you want to know about professional metal detector by XP

Hey guys! I know, it’s a lot of information about this metal detector, 100% wireless, manufactured and developed by XP company in France, but I want to keep the most important things in one place. Here it will be, air tests of XP Deus, discrimination test and settings. As I know – you should waste a lot of time to learn this detector and understand it’s settings. It has own features,...

Nokta AU Gold Finder hot rock test Kellyco 1

Nokta AU Gold Finder Hot Rock demonstration (video by Kellyco)

There is a lot of new models of metal detectors released during a season 2015-2016. One of them is Nokta AU Gold Finder – new detector, developed by Turkish manufacturer Nokta (Makro? Also!) in cooperation with Kellyco retailer. Yes, retailers know the market needs, so new machine is showed as it is – hot rock demonstration. Is it here gold nuggets hunters? Just let me know your tips and secrets,...

Garrett ACE 400 Air test Kellyco 0

Garrett ACE 400 air test (by Kellyco)

Guys from Kellyco have made an air test for new Garrett ACE 400 detector. Garrett ACE 400 is a new development, based on ACE 350 model, so it has more features, but until we will have any another video tests by coin hunters on Youtube it would be difficult for me to make any opinion about new machine by Garrett. Time will show and only you, my dear colleagues, will...

Metal detecting videos 1

ShotSHOW 2016, new Garrett ACE 400 finds and even more here (Digger’s Digest #1)

Morning guys! Have you visited Garrett Booth on the ShotSHOW? If you do not know how does it look like, so nuggetnoggin made a movie for you. His trip to the ShotSHOW 2016 and new Garrett products.   A new video from Garrett factory and it’s treasure and finds museum (really big collection!). Also some old detectors shown in the end of movie, just check it.   I cannot stop....

Metal detectors equipment 0

Metal detecting equipment – short introduction what to take with.

  Your dream has become true, and the detector is bought at last. You get a bit euphoric after buying your first detector, just after buying a first car. Here is it, my detector; soon I’ll go digging with it, and all the gold/silver/diamonds is mine. I’ll dig out all the coins, and my detector will overpay already after the first walk with it. But the reality puts everything into...

Beach coin hunting 0

Coin hunting at the beach

Do you like digging for the bottle caps as much, as I do? Actually, every beach digging results mainly in those caps. I know some guys, who don’t even go to the beach for digging: “What can you find there, there are only caps”. Still, any time, when I come to the beach for having some rest, especially early in the morning or in the evening, I see some colleagues,...

Garrett AT PRO on the field 0

Coin hunting on the tilled field

Not so long I’ve found some silver while walking around the tilled field. Why do I like those fields so much? One of the main questions for every digger is “Where to organize the search”? If you’re a newcomer, and have just bought your first detector, willing to try it as soon as possible, I’d recommend you two places: the beach near the river/lake/sea and the tilled field in spring,...

Gold ring discovered with Fisher F44 0

Nice finds with Fisher F44 – part 1

As I always tell to my friends detectorists – you will always find something with every detector. It’s only a tool, the main decision maker is only you, your detector will only help you to find a good relics or coins, so let’s take a look on Fisher F44, there is a lot of interesting finds posted on Fisher Facebook community, I will only shortly describe it. Thanks to FisherLab...

Nokta Fors Core finds 2

One day with Nokta Fors Core

Once my friend called me and said: «Hey, I’ve found one place, where before were the positions of Wehrmacht, we could go and see what we can find there». I didn’t think long and took with myself my new NoktaForsCore to try a new device in the real field conditions. The assembly took long of course – it was the first time, later the assembly took shorter time, but that...