Hobby Detecting Blog Metal detecting news, metal detectors reviews and tips, how to guides


The rumor about Minelab

Some bloggers recently wrote that the future of the known company Minelab “is not looking bright”. They wrote that Minelabs “top executive” Gary Schafer left the company to sell “umbrellas, pens and stickers”. Therfore we decided to do a little “research” and find out, are these rumors true? Are these simply rumors created by bloggers who are eager for attention and sensation, and who are trying to convince us this is true? First of all: Yes, Gary Schafer has...

New nel coil thunder 2016 metal detector 0

New coil by Nel – model Thunder (will be announced soon) – updated

Around couple of months ago I’ve heard about new project by Nel, but noone knew what project is it and what coil would it be. For today I got only these, I wouldn’t share any names, but got this picture by one of my blog follower – Nel Thunder coil will be released in September 2016, so stay tuned, I will get more news probably soon and as addition some...

Nel coils Ukraine leader 2016 0

Nel is a top manufacturer in Ukraine?

So recently the guys from Nel had full reason be proud over a new diploma and a great achivement:- “Best company of 2016”. Even though the year is not quite finished, in Ukraine they have already started giving out titles. For a company that produces metal detectors and gadgets for this hobby, this is always good news. It “promotes” our beloved hobby, it gives us better reputation, and sets us...

Garrett ACE 400 tests review 0

Several Garrett ACE 400 tests – what do you need to know before you will get it

Still looking for your first detector or you are going to change your old beginners detector, but don’t know what to choose? Let’s start to post some more info about beginners level detectors, so you will check a tests, reviews and most likely you will make your own opinion about detectors. First will be a Garrett ACE 400 (ACE 400i outside of USA). Let’s start! We all love airtests. But...


Metal detecting drone!

So i recently came across an interesting new invention, which uses a very unique method for getting rid of landmines. Around 20 thousand people are each year killed or hurt by landmines that are left after wars. Therfore the military and goverment of the affected lands are desperate for effective methods to get rid of them. This one may be one of the best solutions so far. The mine-drone is basically a radio-controlled...


Hoards of Roman relics being found in England (+history lesson)

Am i the only one who have noticed that in the last time there has been a lot of news reports about hoards of roman coins and relics being found in England? Is it because of new and better detecting equipment or because of more people taking to this hobby? What do you think? For example not so long ago a hoard of over 2000 roman coins and other relics including...

Makro Racer 2 depth test metal detector review 0

Makro Racer 2 depth test (interesting result!)

At my opinion every test is just like some spherical horse in a vacuum, but at least it useful for guys who are looking for a new detector, just to get know, how it probably works. But I want to tell you – never trust so much to tests, every detector will bring you a lot of finds and most of the good finds were detected by cheap detectors. I...


Men accused of illegal metal detecting at historical site

Two men were caught illegally metal detecting at a historical site in Peterborough, England. They were caught metal detecting in a former Roman town which is a protected site. They were found guilty at Peterborough Court for these criminal actions: attempted stealing, being equipped to steal and using a detector on a protected area without permission.They both recieved 12 month community service, 200 hours free work, and a fine of £300. Do you think they deserved it? The detectorists...


Swedish silver coin from 1692 (photos+)

Greetings from the field! A couple of days ago I have found nice quite big silver coin from the Swedish time dated 1692. It was discovered while digging on a farmer’s field near the old village on depth about 30 cm using my Nokta Fors Relic detector. The signal was strong and clear enough! Describing the find it’s related to Charles XI, probably the greatest of all Swedish kings. He is...