Tagged: Garrett Z-Lynk


XP MI-6 And Garrett PRO Pointer AT Z-Lynk Wireless Pinpointers: Which One Is Better?

Wireless pinpointers are now beginning to become very popular among diggers. Or more correct, pinpointers with a wireless connection to the detector headphones. At the moment, this system is supported by XP MI-6 and Garrett PRO Pointer AT Z-Lynk. The other manufacturers are on their way, it’s possible that Minelab and maybe Fisher/Teknetics is working on something? But it is known that the Nokta-Makro company has almost released such a...


Garrett Pro-Pointer AT Z-Lynk and MS-3 Headphones – Our Review!

I remember the time when we were digging without a pinpointer and, moreover, we did not even know what it was and why we needed it. And I won’t even mention wireless headphones – for us it was a completely different world and we did not even think about it. Detecting then was something special, at the level of semi-legal business and movement, when everyone was hiding while digging, and only...


Garrett Z-Lynk: First field test (works as it should!)

I left recently on a detecting trip, and finally opened the season! The dirt is already good in the forest, and more or less in the field. In the field there is another problem, if you dig a little deeper the ground is like stone, not very convenient to dig. And so, what did I have with me? As always – the “carrot” pointer ( the AT Pro Pointer), the metal...


Why choose Garrett Z-Lynk?

We got hold of the Garrett Z-Lynk for 129 EUR in February 2017. How is this different from a set of cheap Chinese devices, you may ask? Well here is the answer! 1. The manufacturer assures us that the transmission rate is very high and there is no delay. Rather, it is little, it is equal to 17 milliseconds – that’s 0,017 seconds! This is six times faster than Bluetooth. 2. This...

Garrett Z-Lynk or Minelab PRO-SONIC: Who will be first with launching a universal wireless audio module? 0

Garrett Z-Lynk or Minelab PRO-SONIC: Who will be first with launching a universal wireless audio module?

Just a couple of weeks ago guys from Garrett announced new universal wireless audio module called Garrett Z-Lynk. Everybody knows that it is a future of detecting – when you have wireless devices and you don’t worry about cables and all of that stuff, but one thing is to announce and another is to prepare and release it on the market. We’ve heard about new developings, like guys from Nokta...