The Garrett AT MAX Metal Detector – Our Review! (Advantages, Advice, Facts, Experience+)

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6 Responses

  1. Tomas says:

    Hello, I am asking for a hint … I had xterra705, at pro and nokta impact. I need a waterproof detector with wireless headphones to search for coins in various areas, but mainly cluttered fields with low mineralization … I am considering buying at max or abfibio or equinox 800 I am asking for advice

    • Detectorist says:

      All 3 will work great in your conditions, so get the cheapest as possible! Save for a new pinpointer 😉

  2. Raymond says:

    Thank you for your knowledge of this item , I have found the correct detector for my little knowledge of metal detectors.

  3. Richard Riley says:

    I thought you presentation was well done and easy to understand. I have just gotten my first metal detector a Garrett AT max and watched many CD’s on how to operate it. I was left confused about how to set it up and use it { Iwas left with the impression they were trying to show how smart they were.A teacher has only taught when a student has learned. } Thank you for your explanation on the Garrett ATmax. I need some directions and guidance how to network with other people like me a baby in the field metal detecting. Do you have any suggestions?

  4. teuchie robert says:

    waar kun je de nederlandse handleiding vinden van de at max

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