Tagged: Finds

Gold ring discovered with Fisher F44 0

Nice finds with Fisher F44 – part 1

As I always tell to my friends detectorists – you will always find something with every detector. It’s only a tool, the main decision maker is only you, your detector will only help you to find a good relics or coins, so let’s take a look on Fisher F44, there is a lot of interesting finds posted on Fisher Facebook community, I will only shortly describe it. Thanks to FisherLab...

Finds with Nokta Fors CoRe 0

NoktaForsCoRe and a real discrimination test!

How often do we watch the discrimination tests? Especially when some new metal detector is released, and the manufacturer together with the retailers immediately start making videos about different tests – discrimination test, some reviews, excavation of a fake treasure e.t.c. But how can you really check your device for the discrimination? Once my friend and I went for a dig, to explore a new location, where are situated the...