Tagged: beach


The Best Bag For Beach Detecting – A Surprise From Kellyco!

There are simple and logical solutions that, with their beauty, simplify the life for a detectorist. Especially if you are digging on the beach, you are faced with the fact that if you start putting the finds in your pocket or a regular bag for finds, then it all will be clogged with sand and then you have to spend the extra minutes shaking and cleaning your pockets/bags. I usually...


Schemes And Drawings Of Scoops For Beach Detecting, Do It Yourself! :)

I think this post will be useful for all lovers of beach detecting. As you can see, these are schemes for making your own sand scoop for beach detecting! There are three different types, and I will introduce you to each one. So, let us start. Type-1 scoop scheme And this will be the final result: Convenient and beautiful scoop! Since the sizes of the scoop are not given (choose the size...


Woman got back lost £10 000 diamond ring

A British tourist was reunited with her precious diamond ring after she lost it in the Mediterranean Sea on holiday. The £10,000 family ring slipped off her finger while she was swimming in deep water. The platinum ring had been in her family for three generations until she lost it. When she came home she contacted a retired diver named George Edmunds. She agreed to pay for his ticket to fly him to Majorca to...