Category: Diggers tips

Fisher F44 metal detector how to set up what settings to use tips and advices 1

Fisher F44 – what settings to use and how to set up (tips and advices+)

Hey guys! As I promised some time ago – I got a couple of digging days and have tested a new Fisher F44 metal detector (click to check all specs). For those who do not follow me yet – I’ve posted about Fisher F44 package and what comes in a kit in these post, take a look to check what was inside of F44 box. Regarding my experience, I want...

Makro Racer 2 tutorial metal detector beginner guide how to use 0

Makro Racer 2 metal detector – how to start (a beginners guide)

If you have bought your new metal detector Makro Racer 2 I recommend you to check that video – how to start detecting with Racer 2 and set it up correct. In most of the cases everything shown in video will help you to get more finds and understand is it trash or fine coin under the coil. Happy Hunting! I collect everything about Makro Racer 2 here. More data...

Coin hunting with Nokta Fors Relic metal detector 0

Digging and coin hunting with Nokta Fors Relic (+videos)

Some weeks ago I got a new Nokta Fors Relic metal detector. Manufacturer and price range classify it like semi-professional metal detector and it is true, making some tests we realized, that Nokta Fors Relic is powerful tool for metal detecting. I got a video for you, it filmed by one guy from UK: I prefer to check a real tests, not like specially filmed by unknown guys – sometimes...

Finds rings organizer 0

Organizer for rings – easy and it works! (Diggers tips)

Have you ever found a ring? Gold or silver one? You are not going to wear it, right, but you are going to keep it and show it to your friends and tell them again and again a full story how did you find it and what signal it was and by what metal detector that was discovered. I know guys who have found more than 10 rings – some...

Garrett AT PRO tips advice metal detector 0

Garrett AT PRO – tips and first steps

You’ve got a Garrett AT PRO and don’t know how to use it? Or you are looking for advice? So you are in a right place – this post will help you to make your first steps with this amazing semi-professional metal detector. Well, how should i start. With the Garrett AT PRO I always have the iron disc at 31 (if it is a trashy site I maybe raise...

Metal detectors equipment 0

Metal detecting equipment – short introduction what to take with.

  Your dream has become true, and the detector is bought at last. You get a bit euphoric after buying your first detector, just after buying a first car. Here is it, my detector; soon I’ll go digging with it, and all the gold/silver/diamonds is mine. I’ll dig out all the coins, and my detector will overpay already after the first walk with it. But the reality puts everything into...

Beach coin hunting 0

Coin hunting at the beach

Do you like digging for the bottle caps as much, as I do? Actually, every beach digging results mainly in those caps. I know some guys, who don’t even go to the beach for digging: “What can you find there, there are only caps”. Still, any time, when I come to the beach for having some rest, especially early in the morning or in the evening, I see some colleagues,...

Garrett AT PRO on the field 0

Coin hunting on the tilled field

Not so long I’ve found some silver while walking around the tilled field. Why do I like those fields so much? One of the main questions for every digger is “Where to organize the search”? If you’re a newcomer, and have just bought your first detector, willing to try it as soon as possible, I’d recommend you two places: the beach near the river/lake/sea and the tilled field in spring,...

About war relics hunting 0

About searching for war relics

I think that many digging lovers sooner or later start thinking about digging at the places of the military operations, for example, of the World War II times. But before you start digging, I’d offer you to learn couple easy rules. It’s better to dig with a shovel with a long handle, otherwise, if you dig with a short-handled shovel, you can spend really long time opening a next trench,...